

Creating healthy inspiring spaces for
people to live, work, and gather.
Acoustics + Vibration

Acoustic Design for a Sustainable Future

Auxia Design is committed to helping stakeholders create buildings that consider the social and environmental impact that buildings have on their occupants, the community, and the world at large. This goal has 3 impacts related to acoustics:

  • Helping stakeholders understand the intention and implications of acoustic design and commissioning requirements in the LEED Rating System, the WELL Building Standard, Green Globes, and other sustainable building programs. While the relevant acoustic performance criteria are well defined in their respective program documentation, the costs, synergies, and logistics of achieving these criteria often require expert insight. Likewise, it is critical for a building’s design to consider how acoustic performance criteria in the WELL Building Standard will be commissioned in the field. We pride ourselves in helping stakeholders balance these acoustic requirements with each project’s unique priorities, functional requirements, and budget.

  • Truly embracing the intention of sustainable building design. Even when program credits for acoustic performance are not at stake, we seek to develop and implement acoustic solutions that avoid harmful substances, reduce waste, and extend the life of a building. To this end, revising a building’s layout to avoid a problematic room adjacency is preferable to implementing a massive acoustic partition built with specialty isolators. Similarly, it’s preferable to design low-noise mechanical systems rather than attenuating noisy systems with silencers and duct lining.

  • As Auxia Design grows, we are committed to embracing business practices that consider our ongoing social and environmental impact.

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