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Noise & Vibration Monitoring

Acoustics + Vibration

Remotely Monitor Noise and Vibration

Auxia Design helps stakeholders plan, execute, manage, and interpret complex noise and vibration monitoring programs.

Advances in monitoring technology now allow the widespread deployment of cost-effective noise and vibration monitoring systems. These systems can remotely monitor the impact of noise and vibration at project sites on a permanent or semi-permanent basis, alerting stakeholders of problematic conditions from afar. While these systems are becoming widely available and easy to deploy, the information that’s captured is only worthwhile if stakeholders have a clear understanding of what the data means and how to respond. Our firm has the expertise to establish goals for monitoring programs, develop a deployment and maintenance plan, and most importantly, interpret and react to the data that’s collected.

Noise and vibration monitoring systems are often deployed to:

  • Gain a deeper long-term assessment of site noise and vibration
  • Ensure on-going compliance with noise regulations
  • Diagnose impending equipment failures

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