
Architectural Acoustics

Creating healthy inspiring spaces for
people to live, work, and gather.

Acoustics + Vibration


Integrated Acoustic Solutions to Elevate Architecture

Auxia Design delivers comprehensive acoustic solutions that support and respect the architectural intention of every space we design. We pride ourselves on addressing all aspects of the acoustic environment that impact a building’s occupants. This includes selecting the right shaping and finishes for feature spaces like atria and auditoriums, but it also means making sure you can’t hear unwanted noise in a 3rd floor office.

Related Considerations:

Room Acoustics – Refinement of a room’s shaping and finishes to create acoustic environments that convey the intended character, quality, purpose, and intention of a space. This is accomplished while balancing the desire for vibrance, quiet, speech intelligibility, speech privacy, collaboration, concentration, and support for music, lecture, theater, worship, and multimedia engagement.

Building System Noise and Vibration – Strategies to reduce noise and vibration generated by a building’s mechanical systems and its impact on occupants.

Sound Isolation – Targeted enhancement of a building’s layout and construction to create privacy, protect confidential speech, promote concentration, and contain unwanted noise.  These approaches allow occupants to work, live, learn, and play without disrupting others or being disrupted by activities in the building.

Codes and Certifications – Design, documentation, and commissioning to ensure compliance with acoustic requirements from institutions, governing bodies, industry standards, and certification programs, such as LEED and WELL.